Friday, December 01, 2006


i think that if the guys who wrote the bible made god a comiedian more people would follow religion.i mean think about it.and on the seventh day he rested,he called it funday.on funday god would go to the improv and do stand up.he could start with something like this".hi thank you thank you,angels and gentelmen im god and thank you for coming ,now. take my son.....please.hey you in the back yeah you the red guy with the horns keep it down or i'll dam you to hell.i ran in to moses the other day and hes still upset about roaming the desert for forty years i said next time bring a navigation system,oh.but noah is pretty happy hes made a fortune giving swiming lessons." i realize religous people will be highly offened by what i just wrote and im sorry about that but next time your in church and they pass that little basket around take a quarter out and buy your self a sense of humor.thats the proplem with religion everything is so serious its all doom and gloom you need to have a sense of humor i mean after all god did give us one.and he did invent the platapus.(thats an old one).like i said sorry if i offened any one but you need to stop being so gloomy and start laughing. the views in this entry are not necessary those of the what happened blog so send your views else where.

what now

now that the election is over.what now? the democrat's are rejoicying and the republicans are scrathing there things are going to change. big changes big big changes,right? taxes are going to go down,the war is going to end the econemy is going to boom.right? wrong! after we vote and the electoin is over our responsablitiy is over,now sit back and watch our handy work. wrong again! now the real system begins.if were not happy with the way the people we elected are doing there job then we must write,e mail or call and let them know.i all ways love when people use the excuse "i dont vote because one vote isnt going to matter".well its almost true,even if you do vote it wont matter unless you let your representative know you dont like whats going on.image if every person who is eligable to vote voted.then stayed on top of the person they voted for the republicans would still be in power.i'm happy about what happened on election day.not because the democrates won but because we showed the government who is in charge and beleave me all the politians will remember this past election day. and on the subject of not voting its just a cop out to say my vote wont count or its my right not to vote.that may be so but its disrespectful to all the men and women who fought for our freedom going all the way back to the revolution.think about it.

Monday, November 27, 2006

election day

well election day has come and every american should feel proud even if you were a republican.because it shows the world that the people truly control the government.the people did not like what was going on so they threw government out.just as the founders set it up.this should send a loud and clear message to polictians that the people are in charge not them.will things chane ?no but at least we made our feelings known.and change might come in the rejoyce america we truely are free.

Friday, November 17, 2006

mr juggles says

never count your republicans before they hatch.

Monday, September 25, 2006

giving up rights

i saw a interesting interview on the today show.matt lauer interviewing ted koppel,it was about giving up some civil liberties to feel secure.when matt exclaimed to the entire country he would give up some rights to feel secure.i find this ironic since he's a jounerlist and his job depends on civil liberties probably more so then any other.why would a professional like matt lauer be so willing throw away certain freedoms to feel secure?does he think he speaks for the common man? benjman franklin once said anyone willing to give up liberties for a sense of securites deserve neither.and i was paraphrasing.the media needs to be care full of what they say when it comes to there personal feelings.keep your personal feelings out of your one should wabt to give up any freedoms that were so hard fought for!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hot as hell

i love when summer comes,everything comes to life,the weather gets hot then hotter and hotter.and for some strange reason this comes as a suprise to the electric company.every year its the same soon as the temperture reachs in to the next stratosphere the warnings come out.CONSERVE YOUR ELECTRICITY.then the next day,well we broke all records for usage.this to comes as a surprise to the electric i'm no rocket scientist but even i know that were going to break records when it gets that hot.i also dont have anything against conserving energy but when its a hundred deegres i need power.i dont need it when its california they have rolling black outs, are you kidding me what year is this 1930.this is the twenty first century.we should have flying cars by also have to no that usage of elctricity is going to go up every year.why you ask.BECAUSE OF TECHNOLOGY.all the i pods,cell phones,toys,tools,computers.heres a hint MAKE MORE ELECTRICITY!why arent the electric companies keeping up and upgrading the system,simple MONEY.they want to show profits and make MONEY.if we can drop billion dollar robots on mars then we should be able to power the country efficiently.i'm just glad theres no such thing as global warming!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

we the people

we the people,three words that changed the world.back when it was written these words meant it should read we the might thing you have a say but you dont.when was the last time the goverment did something the people wanted.we want health care but we'll never get it.we wanted al gore for president (he won the populor vote)we didnt get it.we want out of iraq we wont get that.the goverment controls everything,and they never listen to the people.they even control the elections thanks to the electoral college all a canidate has to do is campain in a couple of states.why should florida or ohio decide who will be president.democrecy has become big busines its not about freedom any more its about keeping the rich rich.even if it means selling out to oil rich contries.the goverment cares more about the saudies then its own people.they cater to big business but yet the poor people cant feed them selves.the grunts who fought the revolution didnt have this in mind when they gave there lives for freedom.while where distracted by football, baseball, tv ,movies ect,where happy living the way we are.thinking that we are free.ann coulter would have you belive that,if you criticise the president you are being unpatriotic when in fact the oppisite is is every americans right and duty to criticise the president.the proplem is like most people she dose not understand democracey.she has no proplem using democracey to her advantage by citicising 911 widows just to sell books.this is a small example of what we have done to the democratic system.thats not to say the founding fathers weren't motivated by money.i"m sure a couple of them were thinking of there wealth when they decided to commit taxation with out representaion,who would benitfit more than john hancock, samuel adams and even george washington, these were some of the richest men in the colonies getting rid of these extra taxes would only add to there wealth.i'm not saying this was there total reason for them to go to war but it had to be in the back of there minds.for the actual men women and teens who fought in the war they had to see it for what it really was.a way to break free from tyranny and have equal opportunity and to live there lives as they see can see simularities between the oppression of the british rule and our goverment today.illegal wire tapping,searching through our bags to enter the subway or a sporting event.our representitives are suppose to represent us not tell us whats good for us.the proplem is no one learned the history of there own country.and most people dont care because they think it dosent effect them.when they think of george washington they think of a guy who cut down a cherry tree and has wooden teeth.i wonder where we got this idea from, thats for another blog.

Friday, August 25, 2006

mr juggles says

don't fight peace!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

mr juggles says

mr juggles says peace.....what a concept!

Saturday, July 15, 2006


the worlds proplems stems from oil.the more we use the more money we donate to terrorist.and the richer the fat oil bastards get.we wage war for it,why? so we can drive big suvs that we dont need.maybe its because we want to stay nice and toasty in the winter.noooooooooooo its because we have to keep the rich rich.and bush has the balls to blame us.he says america is addicted to the hell can you be addicted to something,when theres no alternative.when your forced to use one choice then your not addicted to it .give us a choice. the auto makers refuse to make a true car that dosent use oil even though they have the technology.and dont even think that there doing something, because of that bullshit hybrid thats just another smoke screen to make the public think there doing somethig about the proplem.the automakers will tell you they dont make alternative fuel cars because the public won't buy them.thus blaming us once again for the proplem.see the reason they keep getting wealthy is because of us .they just cant help it.because were addicted, to oil we wont buy cars unless they run on its all our want to stop war and settle down the middle east start giving use alternatives and guess what know one will give a rats ass about the middle east.but that wont happen.because the rich fat bastards want to bleed the oil dry,then figure out away to charge money for the they can stay rich. once they figure out how to make as much money from alternative fuels as they do from oil then we will have choices.but until then they will keep sending our loved ones to war,because you know we are addicted to oil.

war war war

so there at it again the arabs provoke israel hey bomb the shit out of them and round and round we go.north korea is threating to produce nucks and because were bogged down in iraq the cia is trying to get japan to do something about it .people are being murdered in dafur,someone blows up a train in kasmir.and the whole time opec and the big oil fucks are wring-ing there fat hands together like scrooge on christmas eve.has everyone gone fucking mad.the best part is its all in the name of GOD.what fucking god are these people praying to.does anyone realize you cant go to worship once a week and then shoot someone in the face.the two just don't go together.wake up assholes.that goes for all you shit heads who curse each other on the road and think because you pray your religious.i dont remember christ or allah giving anyone the finger.or beating the shit out of anyone.but keep it up bury your heads and stay in denial because its all coming to a quick end.oh and thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.

Friday, June 30, 2006

4th of july

we lose sight of alot of our holidays,like memorial's a day to remember service men and women who gave there lives for there country,true's really not the begining of summer nor a chance to get a great bargain at macy's.same with the fourth of's really not a day to get ripped to the tits in your back yard or blow up your nieghbor's as much as a celeabration as it is a memorial to all the freedom fighters, alot of them just kids who fought under appalling conditions against the biggest badest power in the world at that in between that sixth budwiser and that morter your going to light off, take a few mintues to thank these people for your right to do so.thank you to all fellow americans who gave us our civil liberties.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


i've been watching the great mini series the revolution on the history channel.this should be required watching for every they showed washington crossing the delaware with his men in the most horrid conditions then marching to trenton,most men wearing rags on there feet some stopping to rest in the snow and never getting up.i thought about all the sacrfice these men made so i could sit here and write this blog, it piss's me off when i here half this country doesn't even piss's me off that our goverment is chipping away at our civil liberties.if these men (alot of them were under 15) could march in snow, hungry, sick,tired and fight for freedom then it would seem we could get off our fat ass's and place a simple vote.or are we to busy watching football,taking our kids to soccer,complaining we had to wait in line to long at starbucks or dunkin's to bad these men could not see the fruits of there labor.this history of ours is not made up,some of it might be imbelished,but its real and we are connected to next time you feel you don,t have time to vote think about those young freedom fighters and all the ones who followed right up to the present day and MAKE TIME out of respect, to make your voice heard.fucking vote

Monday, June 26, 2006

Thursday, June 15, 2006

the kings rings

i don't know much about my fathers childhood ,and thats sad.i do know bits and pieces but i really don,t know what his life was really like.what did he do in his spare time ? what was his home life like? from what i can gather is i dont think he came from a very affectionate home .the reason i think that is he had a very hard time showing his affections.he never said i love you and always signed my birthday cards from i don't think for a mintue that he didn't love me.he just didn't know how to express it.which was ironic because when i had kids he was all hugs and kisses.he had the type of relationship with them that he should have had with his own was like he had a second chance and he wasn't going to mess it up .now some good came of this.when i had my kids i make sure to hug kiss and tell them i love them as much as i can.and now it is second nature to dad did a lot for me, helped me when i needed it,watched my kids,lent me money all his way i guess of showing me how much he loved dad was always a rough and tumble when we found out he had a cancerous brain tumor,it didn't seem possible.he lost control of his mind and at times was impossible.he wavered in and out of reality.this brought me to think this is my last chance to get him to say i love you.i then recalled reading an article on actor peter fonder,he said his father had simaler proplems with showing he made a plan to tell him he loved him every day till he got the same response,and eventuly he that was my plan go to the hospital everyday and tell him iloved him till i got the same day after day before i left i would kiss him on the head and tell him i loved him.i never got a resonse,and kind of gave up hope of hearing the response i was looking for. i thought at the very least i had got it out there, till one day as i was leaving his room, walking in to the hallway, an in a low gravely tone i heard i love you too.i froze in my tracks,walked back into the room and said luv ya dad.this is my most memorable moment of my life with my dad.and something i'll always remember.and thats kind of sad.he had similar moments with my brothers telling one of them he wished he had been more personel with his kids.a week before he died i went to the hospital and waited for him to come out of radiation treatment.they brought him out in a wheel chair he had a sheet draped around his shoulders his head hung down he looked so small and helpless.he raised his hand very slowly and motoined for me to come close with his head still down he wispered i have some kings rings and i sent them out for repair there worth millions.when i told my brothers the story they told me he had said the same thing to them .none of us knew what he meant.but four years later i would like to think(and i know its a reach)that the rings where his sons and he was repairing the relationships.even in death he taught me a lesson a few months after he died my grandmother died and because of what i learned from my fathers experience,instead of sitting home crying in grief i was able to go to the hospital hold her hand thank her for everything and tell her i loved her. i no longer fear death but now think of it as a process of life.
thanks pop happy fathers day love you too

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Teddy Roosvelt

" To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile but is morally treasonable to the American public" - Teddy Roosvelt

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

billy preston

rest in peace billy thank you for all the great music.we will miss you.


so,road rage is a disease now just like alcoholism,drug abuse,and the list goes on and on. give me a break. calling everything a disease just enables these people to keep doing what there doing .and now someone can shoot you on the highway and go to court and say they have a disease and get away with murder.maybe we should just say being human is a disease this way it will cover everything.this world is doomed.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

breaking news

this just in,vice president DICK cheney admitted to leaking the name of c. i. a agent valerie plame.he told the associate press he was just sitting around his office doing what vice presidents do (waiting for the president to die).he said "i got tired of counting the money i'm making off the iraq war so i leaked the name of valarie plame, besides she started it.


who do gay people think they are wanting to get married.i mean why should they be able to meet thier soul mates get married have kids buy a house settle down and live happly ever after. heterosexuals don't even get to do that.and who better to decide who gets married then a happly married politician,because they know how sacred marriage is.they are the perfect example of the institution of know get married have kids go off to washington and diddle anyone and anything in the thats the perfect family unit.or maybe we should let the mormons decide. if any ones and expert on getting married it's them.but anyway someone better decide soon because,before you know it the're going to want the right to vote!

mr juggles says

guns dont shoot friends in the face vice presidents do

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

mr juggles says

look to the past to predict the future


well heres my take on darfur.nobody cares,because theres NO OIL we're not going to risk troops lives when our fat ass politians and big corporations cant make money out of it,right big DICK. its sickening that everyone sits back while women and chidren are being raped and takes an actor to go there and beg for help.i guess it doesnt matter because where all going to burn in hell anyway.


it would be great if my balls had would be so much easier to go to the bathroom i could just stand there hands on hips while my ball hands did all the work .if my boxers got in a bunch my ball hands could just straighten them out.dont even have to stop to pull my pants down.if my balls itched while i'm on line to meet the queen no proplem,i can scratch to my hearts content undetected.i mean the possibilities are limitless.i could play pocket pool anywhere any time.if i got bored i could even juggle.maybe even join the circus.and let us not forget sex,i'd have hands all over the place i could pleasure my self and wife at the same time while operating the dosent get any better than that.
ball hands.... think about it, i know i will.

Monday, May 22, 2006


i once had a horse in hollis named sad.but cindy is happy.I love the ronjo.

little league, little minds

parents should be abolished from little league games.they should have to sit in a club house and watch it on closed circuit tv.while the kids play the game supervised by league offcials no so called coachs, manages or other bone head parent trying to make up for thier shortcommings as a human being.just kids running, laughing having a good time .no outside interferance or some will say sports builds character and confidence.i say bull much character and confidance are you building in a eight or nine year old child or any child when the parents from another team are cheering when a kid makes an error or stikesout.what life lesson has that kid learned from being humiliated by sure dosent build confidence.why aren't those people just as enthusiastic about thier childs they really beleave that thier kid is going to make it to the major leagues!theres thrity teams and twenty five players on a team they get players from around the world so do the math oh i'm sorry you can't because when you were in school you where trying to become a baseball point when you see kids crying after losing a game or getting yelled at after winning a game (yes i was there when it happened)thier not having fun or building character or's destroying thier spirit and thats the worst thing you can do to a shame on you and you know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 19, 2006

mr juggles

mr juggles says, "if you ignore your civil liberties, your civil liberties will ignore you".
"always look both ways before voting"
"if a heart attack doesnt get you cancer will"
"never run with the bulls because its just stupid"
"never light a match in a room full of cows"
"bacon is good"
"stop,look,listen,get pushed in front of a bus"
thats it for now


what happend,you use to smile ,stop to smell the roses,hold open doors ,say thank you,say excuse me,stop for stop signs,share, care,help,whistle, skip,laugh,encorage,pat on the back,say how are you doing,have compassion,wish on a star skip stones,run, jump,tolerate,hope for peace,dream,have a voice,want justice,be free,wait for your turn,be proud,lend a hand,stop at cross walks,want equal rights.what happened you use to be human.

Thursday, May 18, 2006


when are people going to start getting angry about the goverment chipping away at our civil they are checking our phone records!yet forty one percent of the country is in favor of long as the goverment attaches the word terrorizm to it they seem to get a free pass.but if the goverment was to say we have to take all our guns away every one would be going nuts .the nra would be all over it like a fly on shit.where are they when the rest of our rights are being trampled.because its not there issue they dont care?well they will when the goverment starts to attaches the word terrorizm to gun control because thats all you have to do these days to sway the country.they should give up the war on terrorizm because we already lost .terrorist have disembalded our hole way of life,everything we believe in and live for.everything the founding fathers fought for.they tell us to go about our daily lives normaly.whats normal about having our phone records checked or bags searched at the it will be door to door twenty years we will be as free as the chinese.well we had a good two hundred and forty eight year run.forgive us george, thomas,john,ben,alexander for we know not what we do .

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


so i hear about this thing called blogging.i look in to it and it seems like get to rant and rave make a general ass of yourself and you can do it for i say cool,i sign up i start ranting, when i here about another blog sight that guarantees more people will read your rants.again i say cool, i sign up and much to my dismay i'm rejected.they say i don't write enough.fine,rules are rules and it is free so i can't i already have three jobs and i'm not looking for another. i just want to blow off some at the risk of becoming some crazed blogging maniac and losing my entire life to blogging i will write more, dear sirs but if i wind up on the streets its your this is my latest blog hope you let me in the club.



Tuesday, May 16, 2006


did you ever try and get any kind of service when you are trying to purchase can't even get service at a service station.when i go in to home depot you can never find anyone to help you and if you do find someone in the little orange apron theres fifteen people following him,and it turns out he's on his way to the bathroom.your lucky if you have a question about a toilet.the first time i went into dunkin dounuts i asked the women for a regular coffee,she said how would you like that,i said regular,she made a face and said abrubtly milk and sugar!well thats what regular use to mean.i long for the days you could walk into a deli and say regular coffee please and they knew exactly what you wanted.and whats with the tip cups i have to tip someone whose handing me a two dollar cup of's even worse at starbucks why should they get tipped they don't even but milk and sugar in it you have to do it yourself.the first time i went in there i asked for a medium coffee they acted like i said a dirty word.they looked at me and said you mean a "grande",what are they the snobs of the coffee world,it's fucking medium where i come gets worse when you go into a store in the have better luck getting help from another customer.what about the receptionist at your doctors office,try getting an appointment the same day you get sick they act like you did it on purpose.yeah thats what i planned to get sick and call you so i can set around for and hour and a half waiting to be called in.and how about if you don't give twenty four hour notice to cancel an appointment they want to charge you.what do we get when they cancel an appointment at the last minute or sit there for an hour waiting to be called in.shit thats what.bottom line is corporations are greedy and thier people are over worked and under paid.

Monday, May 15, 2006


how is it that after a major natural disaster,people who are at war don't put down there weapons and go home and hug there family?after watching the damage done by the tsunami and hurricane katrina ,i started to thing how stupid war really is.not that i didn't think it before but now i really think it's the dumbest thing we could just made me realize how fragile mankinds exsistance is on earth. i mean at any given time mother earth can end our exsistance so it's arrogant on our part to war over land,oil ,way of lie.because we don't own the land or oil and mother nature determines our way of i right this an astroid is hurling towards us and can take us out...all uf who the hell are we to be fighting over anything! what osama bin ladin needs is a good old fashion natural disaster to show him how much his beliefs matter.the earth is a living breathing mass that is constantly evovling and changing nothing not even mighty mankind can stop it.just look to the past to see whats going to happen in the future.some day there will be another ice age or change in the weather (its already happening) or some other unexpected disaster.but we continue to kill each other and waste valuble time by waring and when the planet's had enough it will end all war and don't even have to be religous to believe this it's just plain fact. war what's it good for..... you fill in the rest.

Friday, May 12, 2006


when did americans lose thier compassion,when did we lose our heart.when did we stop believing in the american way?last time i checked the statue of liberty still stood for something.i don't understand the hatedred towards illegal immigrants,they are humanbeings we have more sympathy for people on death row.i realize,that thier here illegally but they are only looking for what we have,a decent way of life.they work hard jobs,long hours for crappy pay.doing jobs no one wants to do .i don't see americans lining up to do dishs,mo lawns,do laundry clean houses.i don't recall when i was growing up any one saying "when i grow up i want to be a dish washer'.instead of embracing these people and helping them achieve thier dreams (which is the theme of this country)we want to round them up and throw them out of the's an idea lets throw them in concentration camps! oh wait we already did that to the japanesse during ww2.why dont we stop to think why is this such a hot button topic all of a sudden.this isn't a new proplem.politcians have been looking the other way on this for years so why now?could it be that its mid term elections and the politcians who were for the iraq war (rebublicans and democrats) need to separate them selves from the whitehouse and knock the war off the front pages.seems resonable to me.well now that we know why this is a hot topic lets think how we got into this mess.we did sign the nafta ageement,which allowed our factories to close up here and move to mexico so they could pollute the air and water,and pay the workers six dollars a day .hmmm whose taking advantage of what could we do about it.lets but them on the books (we could use the tax money) and make them become citizens the legal way. they have earned it from all the blood sweat and tears they put into the jobs they cost four hundred dollars a year to renew working papers, times that by millions and it comes out to a lot of money we can use.but before we do that we need to shore up the borders now you would think that would have been done after 9 11.duh,( how come know ones furious about that) i dont mean one guy with a six shooter driving up and down in a jeep.what about the natonal gaurd or they could use short timers from the military.whatever is done you have to stop them from coming in or your just running on a tread mill.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


What is going on in this country? I went to CVS to buy allergey medicine, when for some reason I was asked for ID. The nice lady behind the counter explained it was a new law to stop people from making crystal meth. I had to fill out a form, name, address, phone number, time I was in the store. Are you kidding me? Do you really believe that this will stop anyone from making crystal meth? This is just another smoke screen to make people think that the government is doing something about the drug problem. All this does is hassle law abiding citizens. This is just another violation of our civil liberties. Just as "home land security" is a smoke screen. The government can't protect you from terrorism wake up. You have more of a chance of getting hit by lighting than being killed in an attack. Their taking our rights away little by little. All they have to do is raise the terror threat and people line up to give away their rights. Your get searched to ride the subway, searched to walk into a baseball game. Every time you get searched or ID'd your are being terrorised. Learn your history folks, the founding fathers must be rolling over in their greaves. Thousands of men and women died for our right no to be searched. I would rather get blown up on the subway or at a ballgame then give up my rights. At least I did these things of my own free will and died a free man. If brave men and women can die in Iraq and Afganistan then we should be able to tak a chance and ride a subway without being searched. When I bring these points up to people the first answer I get is I have nothing to hide, and most people don't, so is that any reason to throw away your freedom? Thats just lame and lazy. People want to take their freedom for granted and can't be bothered. What's going to happen when the FBI comes knocking at your door? Are you going to let them in because you have nothing to hide?! I don't think so! This is what the Brisith did to the colonies. Learn your history. New Hampshire has a saying on their license plate, "Live free or die," maybe we should have that tatoo'd on our foreheads!!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


what happened to the salad days when the living was easy.there was no rush,people held doors open,and everyone was responsable for themselves and there actions.i thought about it and it came to me when i was driving down the street on a beautiful sunday afternoon.i saw a women coming out of her house she was dressed in raggy sweats her hair haphazardly pulled back in a bun that looked like a birds nest.i started thinking about when i was a kid, on sundays we used to get dressed up and go to church my mom would where a dress and hat my father wore a nice shirt and slacks.that got me to thinking about seeing old news footage.people back in the 20s 30s 40s ect, seemed to always be dressed where wearing suits with hats and women wore dress's. it didn't seem to matter what they where doing,going to a ball game visting friends,walking in the park.people always seemed neat and if you want to find the answer to the down fall of society i say look to the when did this all start going down hill,i'd say in the late sixties there was a lot of unrest people wanted change. was it because they were tired of those tight starchie collers .can we blame the hippies with their ripped jeans and tie dye shirts.i don't think so. what ever the reason its really gotten out of hand.people now think its acceptable to were thier pajamas where ever they go.i saw a women who looked like she just got out of bed wearing her pajamas and dirty pink fuzzy slippers shopping in a fourteen year old might be able to pull this off but not a 50 something.come on now people have some point,i dont know if there is one but, i think if we present our selves to the world better the world would be a much nicer place.