Monday, May 15, 2006


how is it that after a major natural disaster,people who are at war don't put down there weapons and go home and hug there family?after watching the damage done by the tsunami and hurricane katrina ,i started to thing how stupid war really is.not that i didn't think it before but now i really think it's the dumbest thing we could just made me realize how fragile mankinds exsistance is on earth. i mean at any given time mother earth can end our exsistance so it's arrogant on our part to war over land,oil ,way of lie.because we don't own the land or oil and mother nature determines our way of i right this an astroid is hurling towards us and can take us out...all uf who the hell are we to be fighting over anything! what osama bin ladin needs is a good old fashion natural disaster to show him how much his beliefs matter.the earth is a living breathing mass that is constantly evovling and changing nothing not even mighty mankind can stop it.just look to the past to see whats going to happen in the future.some day there will be another ice age or change in the weather (its already happening) or some other unexpected disaster.but we continue to kill each other and waste valuble time by waring and when the planet's had enough it will end all war and don't even have to be religous to believe this it's just plain fact. war what's it good for..... you fill in the rest.

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