Wednesday, April 26, 2006


what happened to the salad days when the living was easy.there was no rush,people held doors open,and everyone was responsable for themselves and there actions.i thought about it and it came to me when i was driving down the street on a beautiful sunday afternoon.i saw a women coming out of her house she was dressed in raggy sweats her hair haphazardly pulled back in a bun that looked like a birds nest.i started thinking about when i was a kid, on sundays we used to get dressed up and go to church my mom would where a dress and hat my father wore a nice shirt and slacks.that got me to thinking about seeing old news footage.people back in the 20s 30s 40s ect, seemed to always be dressed where wearing suits with hats and women wore dress's. it didn't seem to matter what they where doing,going to a ball game visting friends,walking in the park.people always seemed neat and if you want to find the answer to the down fall of society i say look to the when did this all start going down hill,i'd say in the late sixties there was a lot of unrest people wanted change. was it because they were tired of those tight starchie collers .can we blame the hippies with their ripped jeans and tie dye shirts.i don't think so. what ever the reason its really gotten out of hand.people now think its acceptable to were thier pajamas where ever they go.i saw a women who looked like she just got out of bed wearing her pajamas and dirty pink fuzzy slippers shopping in a fourteen year old might be able to pull this off but not a 50 something.come on now people have some point,i dont know if there is one but, i think if we present our selves to the world better the world would be a much nicer place.

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