Wednesday, December 02, 2009

tiger woods car accident

so tiger woods wife tees off with a nine iron, on him because he is a dirty cheating lying stay out. this makes national news,head lines, and internet news. mean while four brave washington police officers are gunned down in cold blood for no reason.and that is the back page news. how is this countrys priorities so screwed up. why do people want to know so much about celebrities lives.why isn't the counrty wanting to know more about these poor policeman and their families then a stupid golfer who cheats on his wife and family i mean who gives a rats ass about another spoiled rich guy and his spoiled bitch wife when theres so much more important things going on in the world. i just dont get it. my deepest sympathies to the families and friends to the slain officers and to this backwards country of ours.

Monday, October 12, 2009


until we get rid of lobbyist the problems in this country will continue to plague the American people. companies hire lobbyist to do there bidding. many of them worked for the very people they are lobbing, or worked for the government. now this entails bribing,"donating" money to the campaign, vacations and any other means there is to have things go there way. now if you don't believe this than you are in denial, dumb or ignorant and need to be educated. our government is owned by big business period. nothing will ever get done till lobbing is out lawed.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

health care reform

i would like to know how people who have health insurance can say they don"t want children with cancer or adults with medical issues to have insurance. how do you sleep at night i' d like to know because i could use a good night sleep. i am a libertarian so i know the importance of preserving our rights. but i have news for you the government is already in the insurance game its called Medicare and Medicaid . this is a matter of being humane, having a heart and just plain doing the right thing. so tell me how you sleep i would really like to know.

Monday, September 28, 2009

health care

so here's the dilemma how do we get health care to hard working American's, especially children, without trampling on our rights. now many of these people who don't have insurance, work and pay taxes, their taxes pay for other peoples benefits , like people on welfare and all those fat cats in congress, so there is an irony here. don't they also deserve benefits.i think this is more of an issue humanity than rights. i really wonder what the founders would think of this issue but since we can't dig them up and ask, its something we're going to have to figure out our selves. now its easy for people who have insurance to debate this issue and it seems like a conflict of interest that our congress will vote on this issue since they are owned by insurance companies thanks to good old lobbing. there is no incentive for a person who has benefits and receives "gifts" to vote in favor of health care. in a capitalistic system there is no sharing the wealth you either have it or you don't. another problem is that health insurance is a profit making industry also a conflict of interest.

i don't understand why this issue brings the worst out in people. the government is constantly stomping on our rights especially after September 11th. no one got this raving mad when the patriot act was passed. or when they started to randomly started checking peoples bags at the subway. how about when BUSH allowed the taping of phones. where was the passion then. you might think this was the government was protecting you but that would make you ignorant and you don't deserve to be free. no this isn't an issue of the government being in our lives this is an issue of compassion, of watching out for our fellow citizens,its a matter of humanity.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

mr juggles says

what's wrong with peace ?

Friday, February 13, 2009

my valentine

even though i really dont believe in valentines day,because its a cruel made up hallmark holiday.but i do have someone special in my life who deserves to celebrate it.before we met it seemed like i was in darkness.roaming the earth aimlessly.not sure what the future held.i wasnt even sure i wanted to know.until one day i pulled my head out of my ass and there she was.the clouds parted and i walked in the sun once more.twenty five years later we are still together and its like the first year we were married,still in love, still happy, only older, smarter, with a bigger family looking forward to the future and walking off into the sunset together .and if you can't believe a story like this then you've never been in love.HAPPY VALENTINES DAY HUN LOVE YOU ALWAYS.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

bailout plan for thugs

the financial institution in this country is brilliant.the ceo's presidents,whatever you want to call them are allowed to run amok with the american peoples money.they go unchecked knowing the government will come to the rescue under the guise of saving the little peoples jobs.when in fact we know what the government is really doing is saving their rich friends asses.they give a hoot about the hard working middle class people who carry this country on their do i know this? easy,look who got the money,failed giant companies.if they really wanted to bailout the economy and help the working class they would have given every citizen 20,000 dollars and given EVERYONE a chance to lower their interest rates on their existing mortgage.this helps two ways,one, the 20,000 puts a nice lump sum in everyone's pocket to pay off debt fix the house buy a house etc.this gets people working and spending.the lower interest rate immediately puts extra money in the pocket which in turn will be spent at the mall movies or out to eat.but instead what we have is tax payer money given to failed business who in turn are buying planes giving out bonuses buying 1,200 dollar garbage cans.these people should go to jail they are no better then to bit thugs who rob little old ladies pocketbooks,the only difference is they wear suits and live in better houses.anyone who spends bailout money like this should have it revoked and put in jail.its just to bad that our government,who is suppose to look out for us is in bed with corporations.