Wednesday, May 03, 2006


What is going on in this country? I went to CVS to buy allergey medicine, when for some reason I was asked for ID. The nice lady behind the counter explained it was a new law to stop people from making crystal meth. I had to fill out a form, name, address, phone number, time I was in the store. Are you kidding me? Do you really believe that this will stop anyone from making crystal meth? This is just another smoke screen to make people think that the government is doing something about the drug problem. All this does is hassle law abiding citizens. This is just another violation of our civil liberties. Just as "home land security" is a smoke screen. The government can't protect you from terrorism wake up. You have more of a chance of getting hit by lighting than being killed in an attack. Their taking our rights away little by little. All they have to do is raise the terror threat and people line up to give away their rights. Your get searched to ride the subway, searched to walk into a baseball game. Every time you get searched or ID'd your are being terrorised. Learn your history folks, the founding fathers must be rolling over in their greaves. Thousands of men and women died for our right no to be searched. I would rather get blown up on the subway or at a ballgame then give up my rights. At least I did these things of my own free will and died a free man. If brave men and women can die in Iraq and Afganistan then we should be able to tak a chance and ride a subway without being searched. When I bring these points up to people the first answer I get is I have nothing to hide, and most people don't, so is that any reason to throw away your freedom? Thats just lame and lazy. People want to take their freedom for granted and can't be bothered. What's going to happen when the FBI comes knocking at your door? Are you going to let them in because you have nothing to hide?! I don't think so! This is what the Brisith did to the colonies. Learn your history. New Hampshire has a saying on their license plate, "Live free or die," maybe we should have that tatoo'd on our foreheads!!!

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