Wednesday, August 30, 2006

hot as hell

i love when summer comes,everything comes to life,the weather gets hot then hotter and hotter.and for some strange reason this comes as a suprise to the electric company.every year its the same soon as the temperture reachs in to the next stratosphere the warnings come out.CONSERVE YOUR ELECTRICITY.then the next day,well we broke all records for usage.this to comes as a surprise to the electric i'm no rocket scientist but even i know that were going to break records when it gets that hot.i also dont have anything against conserving energy but when its a hundred deegres i need power.i dont need it when its california they have rolling black outs, are you kidding me what year is this 1930.this is the twenty first century.we should have flying cars by also have to no that usage of elctricity is going to go up every year.why you ask.BECAUSE OF TECHNOLOGY.all the i pods,cell phones,toys,tools,computers.heres a hint MAKE MORE ELECTRICITY!why arent the electric companies keeping up and upgrading the system,simple MONEY.they want to show profits and make MONEY.if we can drop billion dollar robots on mars then we should be able to power the country efficiently.i'm just glad theres no such thing as global warming!

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