Tuesday, August 29, 2006

we the people

we the people,three words that changed the world.back when it was written these words meant something.today it should read we the goverment.you might thing you have a say but you dont.when was the last time the goverment did something the people wanted.we want health care but we'll never get it.we wanted al gore for president (he won the populor vote)we didnt get it.we want out of iraq we wont get that.the goverment controls everything,and they never listen to the people.they even control the elections thanks to the electoral college all a canidate has to do is campain in a couple of states.why should florida or ohio decide who will be president.democrecy has become big busines its not about freedom any more its about keeping the rich rich.even if it means selling out to oil rich contries.the goverment cares more about the saudies then its own people.they cater to big business but yet the poor people cant feed them selves.the grunts who fought the revolution didnt have this in mind when they gave there lives for freedom.while where distracted by football, baseball, tv ,movies ect,where happy living the way we are.thinking that we are free.ann coulter would have you belive that,if you criticise the president you are being unpatriotic when in fact the oppisite is true.it is every americans right and duty to criticise the president.the proplem is like most people she dose not understand democracey.she has no proplem using democracey to her advantage by citicising 911 widows just to sell books.this is a small example of what we have done to the democratic system.thats not to say the founding fathers weren't motivated by money.i"m sure a couple of them were thinking of there wealth when they decided to commit treason.no taxation with out representaion,who would benitfit more than john hancock, samuel adams and even george washington, these were some of the richest men in the colonies getting rid of these extra taxes would only add to there wealth.i'm not saying this was there total reason for them to go to war but it had to be in the back of there minds.for the actual men women and teens who fought in the war they had to see it for what it really was.a way to break free from tyranny and have equal opportunity and to live there lives as they see fit.you can see simularities between the oppression of the british rule and our goverment today.illegal wire tapping,searching through our bags to enter the subway or a sporting event.our representitives are suppose to represent us not tell us whats good for us.the proplem is no one learned the history of there own country.and most people dont care because they think it dosent effect them.when they think of george washington they think of a guy who cut down a cherry tree and has wooden teeth.i wonder where we got this idea from, thats for another blog.

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