Monday, May 22, 2006

little league, little minds

parents should be abolished from little league games.they should have to sit in a club house and watch it on closed circuit tv.while the kids play the game supervised by league offcials no so called coachs, manages or other bone head parent trying to make up for thier shortcommings as a human being.just kids running, laughing having a good time .no outside interferance or some will say sports builds character and confidence.i say bull much character and confidance are you building in a eight or nine year old child or any child when the parents from another team are cheering when a kid makes an error or stikesout.what life lesson has that kid learned from being humiliated by sure dosent build confidence.why aren't those people just as enthusiastic about thier childs they really beleave that thier kid is going to make it to the major leagues!theres thrity teams and twenty five players on a team they get players from around the world so do the math oh i'm sorry you can't because when you were in school you where trying to become a baseball point when you see kids crying after losing a game or getting yelled at after winning a game (yes i was there when it happened)thier not having fun or building character or's destroying thier spirit and thats the worst thing you can do to a shame on you and you know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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