Saturday, July 15, 2006

war war war

so there at it again the arabs provoke israel hey bomb the shit out of them and round and round we go.north korea is threating to produce nucks and because were bogged down in iraq the cia is trying to get japan to do something about it .people are being murdered in dafur,someone blows up a train in kasmir.and the whole time opec and the big oil fucks are wring-ing there fat hands together like scrooge on christmas eve.has everyone gone fucking mad.the best part is its all in the name of GOD.what fucking god are these people praying to.does anyone realize you cant go to worship once a week and then shoot someone in the face.the two just don't go together.wake up assholes.that goes for all you shit heads who curse each other on the road and think because you pray your religious.i dont remember christ or allah giving anyone the finger.or beating the shit out of anyone.but keep it up bury your heads and stay in denial because its all coming to a quick end.oh and thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.

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