Tuesday, May 16, 2006


did you ever try and get any kind of service when you are trying to purchase something.you can't even get service at a service station.when i go in to home depot you can never find anyone to help you and if you do find someone in the little orange apron theres fifteen people following him,and it turns out he's on his way to the bathroom.your lucky if you have a question about a toilet.the first time i went into dunkin dounuts i asked the women for a regular coffee,she said how would you like that,i said regular,she made a face and said abrubtly milk and sugar!well thats what regular use to mean.i long for the days you could walk into a deli and say regular coffee please and they knew exactly what you wanted.and whats with the tip cups i have to tip someone whose handing me a two dollar cup of coffee.it's even worse at starbucks why should they get tipped they don't even but milk and sugar in it you have to do it yourself.the first time i went in there i asked for a medium coffee they acted like i said a dirty word.they looked at me and said you mean a "grande",what are they the snobs of the coffee world,it's fucking medium where i come from.it gets worse when you go into a store in the mall.you have better luck getting help from another customer.what about the receptionist at your doctors office,try getting an appointment the same day you get sick they act like you did it on purpose.yeah thats what i planned to get sick and call you so i can set around for and hour and a half waiting to be called in.and how about if you don't give twenty four hour notice to cancel an appointment they want to charge you.what do we get when they cancel an appointment at the last minute or sit there for an hour waiting to be called in.shit thats what.bottom line is corporations are greedy and thier people are over worked and under paid.

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