Friday, December 01, 2006

what now

now that the election is over.what now? the democrat's are rejoicying and the republicans are scrathing there things are going to change. big changes big big changes,right? taxes are going to go down,the war is going to end the econemy is going to boom.right? wrong! after we vote and the electoin is over our responsablitiy is over,now sit back and watch our handy work. wrong again! now the real system begins.if were not happy with the way the people we elected are doing there job then we must write,e mail or call and let them know.i all ways love when people use the excuse "i dont vote because one vote isnt going to matter".well its almost true,even if you do vote it wont matter unless you let your representative know you dont like whats going on.image if every person who is eligable to vote voted.then stayed on top of the person they voted for the republicans would still be in power.i'm happy about what happened on election day.not because the democrates won but because we showed the government who is in charge and beleave me all the politians will remember this past election day. and on the subject of not voting its just a cop out to say my vote wont count or its my right not to vote.that may be so but its disrespectful to all the men and women who fought for our freedom going all the way back to the revolution.think about it.

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