Wednesday, June 28, 2006


i've been watching the great mini series the revolution on the history channel.this should be required watching for every they showed washington crossing the delaware with his men in the most horrid conditions then marching to trenton,most men wearing rags on there feet some stopping to rest in the snow and never getting up.i thought about all the sacrfice these men made so i could sit here and write this blog, it piss's me off when i here half this country doesn't even piss's me off that our goverment is chipping away at our civil liberties.if these men (alot of them were under 15) could march in snow, hungry, sick,tired and fight for freedom then it would seem we could get off our fat ass's and place a simple vote.or are we to busy watching football,taking our kids to soccer,complaining we had to wait in line to long at starbucks or dunkin's to bad these men could not see the fruits of there labor.this history of ours is not made up,some of it might be imbelished,but its real and we are connected to next time you feel you don,t have time to vote think about those young freedom fighters and all the ones who followed right up to the present day and MAKE TIME out of respect, to make your voice heard.fucking vote

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