Friday, May 12, 2006


when did americans lose thier compassion,when did we lose our heart.when did we stop believing in the american way?last time i checked the statue of liberty still stood for something.i don't understand the hatedred towards illegal immigrants,they are humanbeings we have more sympathy for people on death row.i realize,that thier here illegally but they are only looking for what we have,a decent way of life.they work hard jobs,long hours for crappy pay.doing jobs no one wants to do .i don't see americans lining up to do dishs,mo lawns,do laundry clean houses.i don't recall when i was growing up any one saying "when i grow up i want to be a dish washer'.instead of embracing these people and helping them achieve thier dreams (which is the theme of this country)we want to round them up and throw them out of the's an idea lets throw them in concentration camps! oh wait we already did that to the japanesse during ww2.why dont we stop to think why is this such a hot button topic all of a sudden.this isn't a new proplem.politcians have been looking the other way on this for years so why now?could it be that its mid term elections and the politcians who were for the iraq war (rebublicans and democrats) need to separate them selves from the whitehouse and knock the war off the front pages.seems resonable to me.well now that we know why this is a hot topic lets think how we got into this mess.we did sign the nafta ageement,which allowed our factories to close up here and move to mexico so they could pollute the air and water,and pay the workers six dollars a day .hmmm whose taking advantage of what could we do about it.lets but them on the books (we could use the tax money) and make them become citizens the legal way. they have earned it from all the blood sweat and tears they put into the jobs they cost four hundred dollars a year to renew working papers, times that by millions and it comes out to a lot of money we can use.but before we do that we need to shore up the borders now you would think that would have been done after 9 11.duh,( how come know ones furious about that) i dont mean one guy with a six shooter driving up and down in a jeep.what about the natonal gaurd or they could use short timers from the military.whatever is done you have to stop them from coming in or your just running on a tread mill.

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