Friday, December 01, 2006


i think that if the guys who wrote the bible made god a comiedian more people would follow religion.i mean think about it.and on the seventh day he rested,he called it funday.on funday god would go to the improv and do stand up.he could start with something like this".hi thank you thank you,angels and gentelmen im god and thank you for coming ,now. take my son.....please.hey you in the back yeah you the red guy with the horns keep it down or i'll dam you to hell.i ran in to moses the other day and hes still upset about roaming the desert for forty years i said next time bring a navigation system,oh.but noah is pretty happy hes made a fortune giving swiming lessons." i realize religous people will be highly offened by what i just wrote and im sorry about that but next time your in church and they pass that little basket around take a quarter out and buy your self a sense of humor.thats the proplem with religion everything is so serious its all doom and gloom you need to have a sense of humor i mean after all god did give us one.and he did invent the platapus.(thats an old one).like i said sorry if i offened any one but you need to stop being so gloomy and start laughing. the views in this entry are not necessary those of the what happened blog so send your views else where.

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