Tuesday, December 11, 2007

can a none religous person be president ? what about a,gulp atheist

so people are worried abot a mormon becoming president.that is funny to me.since supposely we have seperation of church and state.and we are at war with two countries telling them you cant have a religous government.why must our president be a christian.or from any denomenation for that matter.lets go over some of our christian presidents.george washington,exicuted one of his own men for mutney.im pretty sure a non believer can do that. lets skip to abe lincoln granted we can go on and on with the guys in between but i dont have that kind of time.now honest abe sent more americans to their deaths than any other president im pretty sure an atheist could do that. lets skip up to esinhower,he dropped an atomic bomb on japan of course we all know non religuos people most certinly can do that. jfk need i say more.reagan,.... please.how about good ol clinton yeah anyone could cheat on there wife.bush jr,a atheist could do everything hes ever done as a president.now these presidents have done many good things for this countrybut i dont think it really had anything to do with thier religous beliefs.i guess will never know weather or not an atheist would do any good things as president.an atheist as president god forbid

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

freedom vs democracey

is there a differance between freedom and democracy? you bet your sweet bibby freedom gives us rights like to vote persuit of happieness and all that good stuff. democracey gives individuals and corprations to make lots of money be greedy control the government by bribing i mean lobbying our congress senate and president.there by controling what we think buy and say and feel.but they do throw us some crumbs from time to time.god bless them.i say this all the time people dont know what its like not to have freedom.and some day we wont have it not in our life time maybe but possibley our kids or grand kids.each year it slips away a little at a time


so don imus is the reason for racism in our country! how long has it been months? what has changed ?nothing ! al sharpton and jesse jackson succsefully got imus off the air.same old same old.did this change the preception of anything .no.if real change is going to happen maybe its time for the african american community to get new leaders instead of these same two crusty guys maybe someone who has their finger on the pulse of the community.maybe its time some of the more influential members of the african american community start looking in the mirror.after all shouldnt you act and speak the way you would like to be spoken to.does any one wonder if any of those girls listen to rap music? im willing to bet that 95% of them do. and if so why arent they offened by it .jesse and al served thier purpose at one time but its time for a change if real change is going to happened.i dont give a rats ass about don imus but its time to stop pointing fingers.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

valentine's day the most horrible holiday of all

when did valentine's day become mini christmas ? we just came from all the bull crap of buy buy buy putting ourselves in debt and all the nastiness that comes with the season of giving.and now were back in the malls.what happened to candy flowers and a card.people put lights on there houses next we will be putting a valentine bush in our house's and sitting on cupids lap at the mall,give me a break already.i would like to thank hallmark for coming up with another brilliant way to get us to spend our hard earned money.this is the most ridiculous so called holliday since new years. its so cruel to put people who dont have anyone to celebrate with through that.or what about people who lost there partner from death or a bad break up.the excuse that its a good day to find someone is just stupid.if you cant hook up with someone the other 364 days why should this one be any diffrent.besides if you love somebody shouldn't you show them everyday not just one day a year.shouldn't we love each other all year even in the malls when were shopping for the people we love.just a thought.happy valentnes day

Thursday, January 04, 2007

mr juggles says

if your a libral its called global warming,if your a conservative its called indian summer

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

mr juggles says

keep christmas in christmas.

what happened to christmas

you always hear the church and religious groups saying keep christ in christmas.well if i were them i would abandon that thinking.after watching what goes on in stores and parking lots and in public.i wouldn't want christ associated with christmas.what has become of christmas theres no more spirit no good will,only pushing shoving punching.and for what a tickle me elmo.is that what they mean by keep christ in christmas.now a days sales people cant even say merry christmas its happy holidays.where has the magic gone.its all about the bottom line just like everything else.keep christ in christmas lets try and keep christmas in christmas.

gerald ford

gerald ford was the most under rated president of our time.its to bad the people in this country at the time didnt realize it at the time, because we could of used two more terms .rest in peace

james brown

what can you say about james brown that hasnt been said already.thanks for turning music on its ear.