Sunday, February 11, 2007

valentine's day the most horrible holiday of all

when did valentine's day become mini christmas ? we just came from all the bull crap of buy buy buy putting ourselves in debt and all the nastiness that comes with the season of giving.and now were back in the malls.what happened to candy flowers and a card.people put lights on there houses next we will be putting a valentine bush in our house's and sitting on cupids lap at the mall,give me a break already.i would like to thank hallmark for coming up with another brilliant way to get us to spend our hard earned money.this is the most ridiculous so called holliday since new years. its so cruel to put people who dont have anyone to celebrate with through that.or what about people who lost there partner from death or a bad break up.the excuse that its a good day to find someone is just stupid.if you cant hook up with someone the other 364 days why should this one be any diffrent.besides if you love somebody shouldn't you show them everyday not just one day a year.shouldn't we love each other all year even in the malls when were shopping for the people we love.just a thought.happy valentnes day

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