Monday, September 15, 2008

sarah palin

oh boy what a curve ball mcain threw the democrats.a woman running for veep.i suspect that had hillary, won the nomination for president, mcain would have picked a black man or woman as his running's a bold slick move.a gun toting momma,who can field dress a moose, have five kids,cook dinner,run a state,and still look good doing it.she's a woman w-o-m-a-n i'll say it again.ha ha ha.and everyone thought obama didn't know squat about foreign policy.this broad is's scary to think she'll be a heart beat away from the presidency.w hat happened to the republicans making us feel safe from terrorist.i don't feel to safe with a old fart for president and a veep who dosen't know her own president's doctrine.which states by the way that america reserves the right to attack any country we deem a threat to us whether or not they have attacked us.hmmm, it's going to be an interesting election.

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