Tuesday, December 11, 2007

can a none religous person be president ? what about a,gulp atheist

so people are worried abot a mormon becoming president.that is funny to me.since supposely we have seperation of church and state.and we are at war with two countries telling them you cant have a religous government.why must our president be a christian.or from any denomenation for that matter.lets go over some of our christian presidents.george washington,exicuted one of his own men for mutney.im pretty sure a non believer can do that. lets skip to abe lincoln granted we can go on and on with the guys in between but i dont have that kind of time.now honest abe sent more americans to their deaths than any other president im pretty sure an atheist could do that. lets skip up to esinhower,he dropped an atomic bomb on japan of course we all know non religuos people most certinly can do that. jfk need i say more.reagan,.... please.how about good ol clinton yeah anyone could cheat on there wife.bush jr,a atheist could do everything hes ever done as a president.now these presidents have done many good things for this countrybut i dont think it really had anything to do with thier religous beliefs.i guess will never know weather or not an atheist would do any good things as president.an atheist as president god forbid