Monday, October 13, 2008

aig bail out

so aig decides to go ahead with a 400,000 convention even though they bankrupted their company.are you fucking kidding?the dumb ass excuse is it was planned be for they lost their says a lot about the the way the company is we know why what happened, happened.shear stupidity,greed,no sense of right and wrong,no accountability no reality.these people should be going to jail.the bail out money should be revoked and they should be allowed to shut down.if we use tax money to bail out these big corporations they will continue to take undue risks knowing the government will bail them out.where does this government get off using our hard earned money when in fact most of the country was against the bail out.what makes them think they know whats best for us.lets face it these congress men and women are just protecting their own interest and the interest of their wealthy friends.thats what their protecting. its a conflict of interest.just another kick in the groin for the rest of us.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

bail out

so the poor and middle class have to bail out the rich,its bad enough we have to carry them on our backs working low paying jobs but now when they fuck up we have to pay for it.why arent these ceo's being held responsible why isn't their so called golden parachutes being taken away and put towards the bail out.wheres the accountability.and lets face it people playing the stock market is gambling you might as well go to the race track and throw your money on the three horse. greed drives the markets and greed brings it down you will never win when greed is involved.i say let it all fall round up these sons of bitches and put them in more government in our lives.enough already

Friday, October 03, 2008

sarah palin

i'm shocked to say this but i think sarah palin did a great job in the debate the other night.not because she knew the issues ha ha ha,or she seemed really intelligent but she might be green enough to make real she said she's a washington outsider she has no idea how the suits go about their business.she might be ignorant enough to change the way goverment operates.i feel a person with no expierance and alot of drive will try harder to make an if she can just change her stance on everything.we would have a real canidate.heres a crazy thought how bout a sarah hillary independent ticket now thats change.