Wednesday, July 04, 2007

freedom vs democracey

is there a differance between freedom and democracy? you bet your sweet bibby freedom gives us rights like to vote persuit of happieness and all that good stuff. democracey gives individuals and corprations to make lots of money be greedy control the government by bribing i mean lobbying our congress senate and president.there by controling what we think buy and say and feel.but they do throw us some crumbs from time to time.god bless them.i say this all the time people dont know what its like not to have freedom.and some day we wont have it not in our life time maybe but possibley our kids or grand kids.each year it slips away a little at a time


so don imus is the reason for racism in our country! how long has it been months? what has changed ?nothing ! al sharpton and jesse jackson succsefully got imus off the air.same old same old.did this change the preception of anything .no.if real change is going to happen maybe its time for the african american community to get new leaders instead of these same two crusty guys maybe someone who has their finger on the pulse of the community.maybe its time some of the more influential members of the african american community start looking in the mirror.after all shouldnt you act and speak the way you would like to be spoken to.does any one wonder if any of those girls listen to rap music? im willing to bet that 95% of them do. and if so why arent they offened by it .jesse and al served thier purpose at one time but its time for a change if real change is going to happened.i dont give a rats ass about don imus but its time to stop pointing fingers.