Thursday, January 04, 2007

mr juggles says

if your a libral its called global warming,if your a conservative its called indian summer

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

mr juggles says

keep christmas in christmas.

what happened to christmas

you always hear the church and religious groups saying keep christ in christmas.well if i were them i would abandon that thinking.after watching what goes on in stores and parking lots and in public.i wouldn't want christ associated with christmas.what has become of christmas theres no more spirit no good will,only pushing shoving punching.and for what a tickle me that what they mean by keep christ in a days sales people cant even say merry christmas its happy holidays.where has the magic gone.its all about the bottom line just like everything else.keep christ in christmas lets try and keep christmas in christmas.

gerald ford

gerald ford was the most under rated president of our time.its to bad the people in this country at the time didnt realize it at the time, because we could of used two more terms .rest in peace

james brown

what can you say about james brown that hasnt been said already.thanks for turning music on its ear.